Bundle Savings Begins Tomorrow!!
I wanted to do a quick reminder that the June Special of an additional 10% off on Bundles begins tomorrow. Or tonight if you are staying up really late!
Additionally, this 10% extra applies to both of the Stamp Cut & Emboss Machines. Woohoo on that one! I would be lost without my machines. And I truly do utilize both of them.
There are currently a few Bundles that are not available. However, all of those are expected back in stock during June. Even if it is the last week of June. But with a new catalog, I am sure you can find a bundle or two on your wish list.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Extra 10% on Bundles, and the Stamp Cut & Emboss Machine, both regular and Mini…
My JUNE Host Code is VGC9HN6B. Please use this code for orders under $150.00. I will have a small gift for those with orders over $50.00 in addition to the Perk Rewards Program. You can read all of the information at the top of the page in the Menu Bar under SHOP / Perks.
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed today’s project and will come back. I do read and reply to all of the comments individually. They mean a lot to me. Please reach out if you have a question.
Smile and Keep On Stamping,