The list of items that are now 60% off are below.  Click the photo for the full pdf.  All of these are while supplies last.

***Not all items are 60% off. The complete list of all retiring from each catalog are further down.  You can also click the SHOP button in the menu to be taken to my Online Store .


Both of the Last Chance Lists are listed below.  Click on either the Mini or Annual Catalog list and you will get a PDF of the full list.




My APRIL Host Code is A7AUT6UB.  Please use this code for orders under $150.00.  I will have a small gift for those with orders over $50.00 in addition to the Perk Rewards Program.  You can read all of the information at the top of the page in the Menu Bar under SHOP / Perks.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope you enjoyed today’s project and will come back.  I do read and reply to all of the comments individually.  They mean a lot to me.  Please reach out if you have a question.

Smile and Keep On Stamping,
