I have been absent for a few weeks with the flu. I am sorry if I missed any comments or questions. But I am getting back and will return on Monday. But I did want to remind you that the New Mini Catalog is live as of today. And so is Sale-A-Bration! The best time of year!
Online exclusives are here to stay! Click on the photo and be taken directly to them in my online store. If you place an order, please use my Host Code listed just below.
My JANUARY Host Code is BQEMX92K. Please use this code for orders under $150.00. I will have a small gift for those with orders over $50.00 in addition to the Perk Rewards Program. You can read all of the information at the top of the page in the Menu Bar under SHOP / Perks.
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoyed today’s project and will come back. I do read and reply to all of the comments individually. They mean a lot to me. Please reach out if you have a question.
Smile and Keep On Stamping,